Eurobiotec Brussels Ltd , a new chapter in
biotechnology for Brussels
Eurobiotec Brussels Ltd est sponsor gold
de la CRO-Biotech B4B-Connection
et présentera ses activités le matin
On 4 March 2009, the 4,000 m2 of Eurobiotec Brussels Ltd.
(Biotechnology Innovation and Incubation Centre) were unveiled in
the presence of the regional public, academic and private
authorities which contributed to the development of the industrial
From 1 June 2009, Eurobiotec Brussels Ltd. (Biotechnology
Innovation and Incubation Centre) will be up and running, 15 months
after work commenced on the site.
The Incubation Division immediately offers 4 (70-m2) fully equipped
laboratory/office units and 8 more which can rapidly be brought
into use.
The location of this accommodation infrastructure benefits from the
Eurobiotec Brussels’ technological logistics in biosecurity classes
1 and 2 of the applied microbiology sector, namely:
• Microbiological laboratory,
• Analytical rooms (HPLC, etc.)
• Fermentation room for 2-L fermenters,
• Fermentation room for 10-L fermenters,
• Small-scale protein purification and formulation room.
The Process Development Division is opening its biosecurity class 1
and 2 fermentation rooms for 2-L and 10-L fermenters for all
production process feasibility studies. In October 2009, the heavy
fermentation suites with maximum capacities of 500L will become
operational. The small-scale and pilot protein purification and
formulation rooms are in activity and will possibly be combined
with heavy fermentation lines from October 2009.
From October 2009, Eurobiotec Brussels will be offering a
biotechnological/bioprocess platform (1,500 m2) (fermentation,
purification and formulation), as a research and development
service company (CRO/CDO) located in Europe’s capital.
Eurobiotec Brussels Ltd. is a sought-after partner in the
performance of programmes of selection, production and purification
of enzymes and peptides destined for applications in
biopharmaceuticals, diagnoses, fine chemistry or synthetic
The pilot infrastructure complies with microbiological risk classes
1 & 2 (bacteria and yeast, recombining or not).
The Eurobiotec Brussels team offers 25 years’ experience of
industrial cooperation in the field of industrial microbiology and
its applications. This experience finds expression in the following
Selection, stabilisation and formulation of industrial
Within the framework of various research agreements, the group has
developed selection protocols for natural bacterial or yeast
strains for the production of enzymes or metabolites of interest
for the implementation of new continuous bioreactors or for the
production of enzymatic activities.
Study of the encapsulation of natural or recombining
micro-organisms in order to improve the productivity and stability
of the strains.
Study of dry formulations (freeze-drying, fluid bed and coating)
for the long-term storage of micro-organisms (yeast and bacterial
starter cultures).
Implementation of bioprocesses
Within the framework of bipartite or multipartite conventions with
public bodies dependent on Belgium or the European Union, the group
has developed enzymatic bioreactors for the trans-esterification of
lipids, bioreactors using living cells (bacterial consortiums or
Scenedesmus, Chlorella vulgaris) to denitrify drinking water,
modify active principles and analyse their conversion with
immobilised rec-CYT q hosts, the semi-continuous production of
bacteriocins by immobilising the secreting micro-organisms
(C.piscicola, L.lactis), the production of hydrolytic enzymes from
B.subtilis, the production of lactic acid or the continuous
production of cider (S.cerevisiae + Oenococcus oenos).
Purification of proteins and peptides: establishment of robust
Starting from strains such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia
coli, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginaso, Streptococcus
faecalis and Lactococcus lactis, the group has developed
intracellular enzyme purification protocols such as anabolic
ornithine carbamoyltransferase, catabolic ornithine
carbamoyltransferase, putrescine carbamoyltransferase, carbamate
kinases from arginine deiminase and agmatine deiminase pathways,
arginine deiminase, agmatine deiminase, arginoninosuccucinate
synthase and arginase, with European academic institutions.
For European and North American industries from the pharmaceutical
and diagnoses sector, the group has purified amphiphilic proteins
(recombining human proapolipoproteins and apolipoproteins) and
peptides (recombining human hormones and certain bacterial
peptides) from E.coli, L.lactis, B.subtilis, S.cerevisiae and
In collaboration with European industries, the group has produced
and implemented lipase from Zoogloea, papain from Papaya latex,
lactoferin and lactoperoxydase from bovine milk, bacteriocin from
C.piscicola, human q rec-cytochromes produced by E .coli and
tryptophan oxydase produced by various pseudomonaceas (Ps.putida,
Ps.aeruginosa, Ps.cepacia, etc.).
In conjunction with several European CMOs, the group has
contributed to the development of high cellular density propagation
protocols fromE.coli, de L.Lactis, de B. subtilis , from
S.cerevisiae, P.pastoris and from L.lactis on behalf of third
Partners include
Institut de Recherche Microbiologique Jean-Marie Wiame, le
Laboratoire de Microbiologie de l’ULB (BE), le Laboratoire de
Microbiologie de la Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques
de Gembloux (BE), ex-Centre de Recherche Industrielle Université
Libre de Bruxelles, IRBHN-Fac. Médecine de l’Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Laboratoire des protéines Université de Liège (BE),
Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs des Techniques des Industries
Agricoles et Alimentaires (FR), University of Startclyde (G-B),
Center for Research and Technology Hellas/Chemical Process
Engineering Research Institute (GR), Fraunhoffer Institute (DE),
Aristote University of Thesalonniki (GR), Federal Agricultural
Resaerch Center (DE), University of Westminster (UK), Lund PAB
(Sue),… .
UCB-Bio (BE), UCB-Pharma (BE), Esperion (E-U), Cerenis Therapeutics
(FR), Brucells (BE), Entomed (FR), Neoferm (E-U) , CIBE (BE),
Cofido (BE), Petrofina (BE), Belovo (BE), Oleofina, (BE), Viangro
(BE), Janssen Research (BE), ex.ACEC (BE), Lonza (ZW),
BAC (NL), Henogen (BE), Eurogentec (BE),Stassen (BE), GeniaLab
(DE), Artemia (BE), Detry sa (BE), Kitozyme sa (BE), …
Further information
Eurobiotec Brussels Ltd.
Jean-Paul SIMON PhD, Managing Director,